A method of balance.
From Jaakko Seikkula's Prologue:
"A citizen of the world on the path of dialogue"
Martin Glozman has written a book on dialogue dialogically. It is not a book with descriptions of explicit theories of dialogism, but a dialogue with life. Martin’s writing flows along the very nature of dialogue. His style is faithful to the idea of dialogue, which is a continuum in the river of expressions and responses that become new expressions and wait for a reply to become an expression again… In his book, Martin has found a way to earn this flow.
“Dialogue feeds on difference”
On dialogue with Tony Muñoz
Professional Bio
I have studied Literature at Universidad de Buenos Aires and I earned an MA in Creative Writing at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (Argentina). I taught 19th Century European Literature and Russian Literature at UBA, and Writing and Reading workshops at Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
In 2010 I taught about Bakhtin, Dostoevsky and dialogism at Fundación Interfás (Buenos Aires). I attended the six International Conferences on Dialogical Practices, and organized the 5th Conference in Buenos Aires (2019) together with Elisa Petroni and a local team.
I have published five books since 2011: Salir del Ghetto (Tersites, 2011), Help a mi (Milena Caserola, 2012), No hay cien años (Milena Caserola, 2016), Documento de María (La Bestia Equilátera, 2017) and Un libro sobre el diálogo (A book on dialogue, Buena vista Editora, 2021, translated into English in 2023.) I have been coordinating the experimental literary project www.lacopadelarbol.com and I have also coordinated creative writing workshops.
Currently, I am studying Psychology at Universidad de Belgrano and coordinating groups of Dialogue with other therapists. I have also done the Intentional Peer Supporter training and I am in dialogue with Peer Supporters.